5 Talks
5 Talks
Pregnancy and childbirth are known to be a powerful emotional event, as well as one affecting the body. It is also known the postnatal period may have adaptations to psychological wellbeing. This set of talks addresses some ways emotional wellbeing is supported through antenatal programmes.
The Confident Birth ‘SAFE’ Emotional Birth Model: how to lessen fear and stress during birth
2019 | 25 mins | Antenatal education for emotional wellbeing
Telling her own story, Susanna Heli, Physiotherapist and Author from Sweden, presents a model aiming to provide a safe, stress and fear free, emotional birth, not just physical. She explains how fear impacts on the body during birth and in contrast, how there may be a positive spiral created. Susanne clarifies how it covers all types of birth and concludes with steps that can be taken.
Susanna Heli, Doula, Physiotherapist and Author
NCT: Parents in Mind
2018 | 04 mins | Antenatal education for emotional wellbeing
Parents in Mind is a perinatal mental health peer support programme run by the NCT. In this short overview Agnes Hann, research manager, and Sarah Hislam, Parents in Mind service delivery manager, explain the background to the programme and describe how it is offered. They present some of the data from the evaluation project demonstrating some positive impact.
Agnes Hann, Research & Evaluation Manager, NCT Charity
Sarah Hislam, Parents in Mind Service Delivery Manager, NCT Charity
Birth Matters, Mind Set Matters. How does Antenatal Education Influence Fear of Childbirth?
2019 | 26 mins | Antenatal education for emotional wellbeing
This talk discusses a PhD study planned to explore the experiences of antenatal education in supporting women and their partners. Kerry Sutcliffe, University of Notre Dame, Australia, highlights that feeling fearful for birth is common within a medical model. A previous study pointed to antenatal education practices helped women make a better sense of labour. She describes the reasons for the planned qualitative study to consider the experiences of women, partners and midwives. She discusses the thinking about birth, and the impact of the mind on birth. Kerry talks about what may be included in a birth course to help women and their partners.
Kerry Sutcliffe, Researcher, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Hypnobirthing: More than Parent Education
2019 | 05 mins | Antenatal education for emotional wellbeing
In this short podcast Maureen Collins, hypnobirthing teacher and trainer, introduces the principles of hypnobirthing. She highlights the involvement of women and their partners in the process of education around birth, including the physiology and mind and body connection. Maureen frames the relationship of hypnobirthing in supporting midwives in their practice and ensuring bodily autonomy.
Maureen Collins, Midwifery Consultant, Hypnobirthing Teacher/Trainer, Birth Coaching Company
Introducing Maternal Journal
2019 | 07 mins | Antenatal education for emotional wellbeing
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, community midwife at King’s college, London, has a background as an artist. This talk introduces the Maternal journal, which aims to support mental wellbeing during pregnancy through creative journaling. She describes the project and shares some examples from women in a workshop. Laura points to different artists who have been involved in the project and highlights how the journal project has developed.
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs, Artist and Community Midwife, King’s College Hospital London
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland | Registration Number 8390093.
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