5 Talks
5 Talks
In order to provide quality antenatal education for parents and families it is important to have evidence that a particular programme is effective. The talks in this set all describing pieces of research that have been carried out around aspects of antenatal education.
From rhetoric to reality: real partnership with women and families
2017 | 20 mins | Antenatal education research
Dr Mary L Nolan, University of Worcester shares some of her research around the history of parent education. She addresses how policy, charities and the global stage point to the need to develop a family-centred maternity service around relationship. Mary points to the need for the role of midwives to promote the relationships of the family with the baby. Mary explores the social family context for the woman and the baby and the impact on the woman’s behaviours.
Dr Mary L Nolan, Professor of Perinatal Education, University of Worcester
What do women really want from breastfeeding education and promotion?
2018 | 17 mins | Antenatal education research
In this talk Dr Amy Brown, University of Swansea, talks about research asking what women want from breastfeeding education. She talks about the context of breastfeeding in the UK and the global public health impact. Amy explains her research and points to the responses that antenatal preparation is not good enough. She discusses the responses around responsive feeding, focussing on health reasons, on the rules made and widening education into the community.
Professor Amy Brown, Professor of Public Health, Policy and Social Sciences, University of Swansea
The role of co-creation in the development and implementation of the Baby Buddy app
2019 | 26 mins | Antenatal education research
Shabira Papain, COO and Deputy CEO, Best Beginnings, presents the different resources created by the charity and discusses the Baby Buddy app to provide better support. She explains how digital information can support what other care is being given. She presents some of a survey of who is using the app and their experience of using it. The video includes some questions from the audience.
Shabira Papain, COO and Deputy CEO, Best Beginnings
A qualitative exploration of the experiences of participants in an antenatal nurturing programme
2017 | 29 mins | Antenatal education research
Sarah Darton, Director of Programmes, Family Links, explains the work of the charity in emotional health training and introduces the Welcome to the world antenatal nurturing programme. She describes the background to the programme and study and the reasons for focussing on emotional health in pregnancy, including attachment. Sarah explains the methods of the national study and the involvement of midwives in the programme. She presents the results of the study and the positive effects on well-being of both parents.
Sarah Darton, Director of Programmes, Family Links
Centred birth, hypnobirthing classes and preparing for birth during Covid-19
2021 | 31 mins | Antenatal education research
In this talk Alys Einion-Waller, Associate Professor midwifery and reproductive health, discusses the research carried out on Centred Birth hypnobirthing classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. She discusses the impact of restrictions on parents and parents-to-be and provides the background to the programme and study. The methods are explained and the process of data analysis. Alys presents the themes from the research, on preparation for birth, feeling cut off, the impact of Covid-19, fear and uncertainty, knowledge is power. She concludes with implications for practice and answers questions from the audience.
Dr Alys Einion-Waller, Associate Professor of Midwifery, Swansea University
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