5 Talks
5 Talks
Maintaining and increasing fitness and wellbeing over pregnancy is important for future wellbeing during motherhood and beyond. The talks in this box set provide some of the evidence behind the long- and short-term benefits of physical activity in pregnancy, and formats for classes. They will enable maternity carers share appropriate information with women.
Midwife-led physical activity classes during pregnancy
2019 | 26 mins | Antenatal Physical Preparation
Abigail Holmes, Consultant Midwife, Cardiff and Vale University health Board, describes her journey into fitness following her own pregnancy. Using a focus on anatomy and physiology, and the current social and population changes, she highlights the current increase in long-term pelvic floor damage and the potential impact. Abigail explains the safety of exercise in pregnancy and introduces the UK guidance. She talks about the importance of teaching pelvic floor health and increasing strength for women during pregnancy. Questions from the floor are included.
Abigail Holmes, Consultant Midwife, Cardiff and Vale University health Board
A prospective cohort study of the association between vigorous exercise during pregnancy & pregnancy outcome
2017 | 20 mins | Antenatal Physical Preparation
Sarah Lee, research midwife, Central Manchester Univeristy Hospitals NHS Foundation trust, introduces her Masters level study exploring the use of exercise during pregnancy. She highlights how she undertook the literature review and explains how the study was undertaken. Sarah presents the statistical analysis which suggests that exercise in pregnancy leads to an increased chance of a physiological birth and a suggested increase in birth weight for the baby. The talk includes questions and responses
Sarah Lee, Research Midwife, Central Manchester Univeristy Hospitals NHS Foundation trust
What is the impact of yoga for pregnancy classes on women’s self-efficacy for labour and birth
2018 | 20 mins | Antenatal Physical Preparation
Virginia Campbell introduces her PhD study exploring the use of yoga and self-coping during birth. She explains the background to the study, as well as the methodology, design and methods. The findings she addresses relate to the impact of yoga classes and interviews with women about their experience of using yoga, before they started and after the classes. Virginia also presents quotes from postnatal interviews.
Virginia Campbell, PhD student, School of Allied Health and Community, University of Worcester
Aqua Natal Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
2020 | 18 mins | Antenatal Physical Preparation
Gill Bann, baby swim and Aqua natal tutor explains the use of yoga in water. She explains the aquanatal classes she runs, and the format of the classes. Demonstrating with videos, Gill shows the similarities with yoga. She explores the benefits of exercising in water, and how women have been affected by them.
Gill Bann, Tutor, Yoga Teacher, Swimming Instructor, Birthlight Charity
Physical activity in pregnancy: the midwife’s role
2020 | 20 mins | Antenatal Physical Preparation
In this presentation Jacque Gerrard, Midwifery Consultant & PHE Physical Activity Champion, provides an overview of the importance pf physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and in the postnatal period. She discusses recent guidance from the Chief Medical Officer on activity during pregnancy. Jacque points to useful resources for women and encourages midwives to use each contact to provide information about increasing activity.
Jacque Gerrard, Midwifery Consultant & PHE Physical Activity Champion
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