5 Talks
5 Talks
Being a student midwife has its own unique challenges. The learning of midwifery involves theoretical input as well as development of clinical skills. In addition, the student must balance their studies alongside long shifts over day and night. Th aim of this box set is to provide students with knowledge of the up-to-date changes to education that will be impacting now and into the future, along with resources to support being on the course as well as preparing for future working life.
Transforming midwifery education: The new Future Midwife standards
2019 | 25 mins | Being a Student Midwife
In this important presentation, Professor Mary Renfrew, Lead Advisor to the NMC for the review of preregistration midwifery standards, relates her own story of her career, highlighting the importance of research and evidence. She explains the development of the new midwifery education standards in the changing global context, evidence and policy. She focuses on the importance of transformation of care for women and babies. Mary introduces the concept of the future midwife and the six domains of the standards, providing examples of the proficiencies expected of students, to illustrate the changes.
Professor Mary Renfrew FRSE, Professor of Mother and Infant Health, School of Health Sciences, University of Dundee; Lead Advisor to NMC for the Review of Pre-registration Midwifery Standards
NMC SSSA: replacing the current Mentorship Standards
2019 | 21 mins | Being a Student Midwife
Nicky Clark presents the changes in standards for supervision and assessment for students from the NMC for England. She explains why the changes in standards are required. Nicky then introduces the new sections for the standards and the different roles of the practice supervisor, practice assessor and academic assessors.
Nicky Clark, Chair of Lead Midwife for Education Strategic Reference Group; LME/Head of Midwifery and Child, University of Hull
Midwifery societies: empowering student midwives to improve maternity outcomes
2015 | 23 mins | Being a Student Midwife
Kate Mortimer & Gemma Sykes, former student midwives at Bradford University, talk about the importance of student midwifery societies to help improve maternity care. They cover reasons for midwifery societies and how it helps the student experience and development. They share some of the events they have organised with feedback from the student and qualified midwife attendees. The video includes some questions from the audience.
Kate Mortimer & Gemma Sykes, Former Student Midwives, University of Bradford
#InItTogether – mentors and students building positive relationships
2017 | 29 mins | Being a Student Midwife
Anna talks about the importance of the relationship mentors and some of the challenges faced. She points out the new standards being developed by the NMC with supervisors and assessors she highlights the different pressures mentors and students are under and the things that are shared, so that support and learning can be learned. She provides important tips for good mentoring and how students can get the best out of their experiences. She introduces the #inittogether group creating material to improve the mentoring/student experience.
Dr Anna Byrom, Midwifery Educator and Director, All4Maternity
Tips to prepare for interviews or presentations
2018 | 27 mins | Being a Student Midwife
Diane Garland, Midwifery Consultant, provides tips for interviews or presentations. She points out that first impressions are important, including appearance and planning for the journey. She advise to keep your CV and portfolio up to date and to make use the supporting statement. Diane provides guidance about planning for the post applied for and about developing presentation.
Diane Garland, Midwifery Consultant
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