Challenges in Infant Feeding


5 Talks

The importance of breastfeeding for parental and neonatal wellbeing is well evidenced. However, when challenges present, this can have a long-lasting impact on experience and health. This boxset discusses the various challenges of establishing breastfeeding and how midwives can facilitate improved experiences.

Supporting women who haven’t been able to breastfeed

Supporting women who haven’t been able to breastfeed

2018  |  28 mins |  Challenges in infant feeding

Professor Amy Brown, Professor of Public Health, Policy and Social Sciences at the University of Swansea, presents her qualitative study with women who have not been able to achieve breastfeeding goals when they wanted to. She points to the background behind the study and highlights the emotions the women experienced. The presentation focusses on the suggestions from the women of how they feel services and care could be improved to provide support. Amy completes with a wider society focus and providing key points for practice.

Professor Amy Brown, Professor of Public Health, Policy and Social Sciences, University of Swansea

The views and experiences of women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more who have successfully breastfed

The views and experiences of women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more who have successfully breastfed

2016  |  18 mins  |  Challenges in infant feeding

Dr Debbie Smith, Lecturer in Health Psychology at the Manchester Centre for Health Psychology at The University of Manchester, discusses her study on the experiences of women who successfully breastfed with a raised BMI, authored with Master’s student Stephanie Lyons. Debbie discusses the barriers of system and society on breastfeeding, drawing on self-sought solutions presented by participants. The presentation concludes by considering future development of resources to promote psychosocial factors impacting breastfeeding. Future plans for PhD work is shared.

Dr Debbie Smith, Lecturer in Health Psychology, Manchester Centre for Health Psychology, School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Manchester
Stephanie Lyons, MSc Student, University of Manchester

Breastfeeding issues for parents of children with Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Cleft LipPalate and Heart Disease Findings from the ConnectEpeople Project

Breastfeeding issues for parents of children with Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Cleft Lip/Palate and Heart Disease: Findings from the ConnectEpeople Project

2020  |  26 mins  |  Challenges in infant feeding

ConnectEpeople is a European social media platform connecting parents of babies with Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Cleft Lip/Palate and Heart Disease. Marlene Sinclair, Professor of Midwifery at Ulster University, presents their study on parental experiences of breastfeeding with these conditions, contextualising discussion within midwifery provision of appropriate, confident and holistic breastfeeding support.

Marlene Sinclair, Professor of Midwifery at Ulster University

Establishing breastfeeding during the early post-partum period experiences of women with diabetes

Establishing breastfeeding during the early post-partum period: experiences of women with diabetes

2020  |  20 mins  |  Challenges in infant feeding

Diabetes during pregnancy is increasingly common, and the benefits of breastfeeding in infants of diabetic mothers well known. Denise McGuiness, lecturer and assistant profession at University College Dublin, and Usha Daniel, Advanced Midwifery Practitioner at the National Maternity Hospital, present their qualitative study on the experiences of breastfeeding of diabetic mothers. Providing a brief foundation in antenatal diabetic management and self-care, Denise and Usha’s talk focusses on mothers’ experiences of colostrum harvesting, discussing antenatal and postnatal challenges and techniques.

Denise McGuiness RGN RM BMS MSc RMT IBCLC, Lecturer in Midwifery/Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin
Usha Daniel, Advanced Midwifery Practitioner, Diabetes, National Maternity Hospital

COVID-19, breastfeeding and information

COVID-19, breastfeeding and information

2020  |  12 mins  |  Challenges in infant feeding

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought many difficulties in perinatal care, including infant feeding. Francesca Entwistle, Policy and Advocacy Lead for UNICEF discusses the challenges that the pandemic has posed for families in infant feeding, and the resources available for midwives from the Baby Friendly Initiative.

Francesca Entwistle, Policy and Advocacy Lead, UNICEF

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