Neonatal Screening and Assessment
5 Talks
5 Talks
The impact of the postnatal period on the neonate is often overlooked. In this boxset talks are drawn together that describe ways care for the neonate may be enhanced. This includes listening, dyadic assessment, appropriate skin care and massage and the use of music.
Newborn screening, national perspectives
2019 | 23 mins | Neonatal screening and assessment
The Newborn Blood Spot Screening (NBBSS) test is a well-established part of the newborn care pathway. Dr Bryan Beattie provides an overview of the process of the NBBSS and the conditions and incidence of the conditions included, and the impact of excluded conditions. Following a comparative discussion of UK screening within a global context, he goes on to critically analyse the issues and ethics surrounding genetic testing in newborns, including the lived experience of those living with conditions not included in standard newborn screening. The talk ends with a Q&A focussing on ethics.
Dr Bryan Beattie, Consultant in Obstetrics, Fetal and Maternity Medicine, University Hospital of Wales; Founder, Owner and Director, Innermost Healthcare
Hepatitis B antenatal screening and selective neonatal immunisation
2021 | 31 mins | Neonatal screening and assessment
Screening for infectious diseases in pregnancy supports the provision of appropriate neonatal care postnatally. Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening condition which can cause chronic disease, particularly in the younger population, reduced through selective immunisation. Pat Schan, Clinical Advisor, NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening Programme & David Green, Nurses Consultant for Immunisations, PHE, discuss a quality improvement project for Hepatitis B screening and immunisation to improve screening and vaccination, and multi-discpinular working and reduce incidents and inequality. They discuss the resources available for parents and pathway information for healthcare professionals.
Pat Schan, Programme Clinical Advisor, NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening Programme, PHE Screening
David Green, Nurse Consultant for Immunisations, Public Health England
Are new parents aware of the signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus?
2022 | 14 mins | Neonatal screening and assessment
Hydrocephalus in the newborn is a significant and serious condition. Screening for the condition is carried out through ongoing head measurements but sometimes this is being missed. In this talk Caroline Coates, founder of the charity Harry’s Hydrocephalus awareness trust (Harry’s Hat) and Non Hill, volunteer researcher, explain why the charity was developed in order to explain more about the condition to parents and help signpost care. Caroline tells her personal experience as a parent of Harry and shares the importance of parents being aware of why screening tests are undertaken. Current guidelines are presented followed by a discussion of research survey asking parents experience and understanding of head measurement and hydrocephalus. They point to the need for midwives awareness of the symptoms and sharing with parents the reasons for measurements of babies heads.
Caroline Coates, Founder, Harry’s Hydrocephalus Awareness Trust
Non Hill, Research Volunteer, Harry’s Hydrocephalus Awareness Trust
Examination of the newborn
2021 | 27 mins | Neonatal screening and assessment
The Newborn and Infant Physical Examination is a holistic review, contributing to optimising physical and sociocultural health through anticipation and prevention of complications. With the change to integrate the NIPE training into pre-registration programmes, traditionally a post registration qualification, Anne Lomax, former Senior Lecturer UCLAN and Editor of Examination of the Newborn, discusses some of the challenges and responsibilities of midwives carrying out the examination of the newborn. Anne concludes with some useful resources to support examination.
Anne Lomax, Former Senior Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire and Editor of the Examination of the Newborn
The significance of hearing a heart murmur at the newborn physical examination in relation to CHD
2021 | 28 mins | Neonatal screening and assessment
Assessment of the heart forms a core part of the Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE), however, up to 50% of cases of CHD are missed. Midwives performing this exam must adjust their skills to focus on cardiac quality not just quantity. Helen Seignoir, Senior Midwifery Lecturer, London South Bank University, discusses her literature review assessing the relationship between auscultation and CHD, the skills required of practitioners, and the outcomes of examination on CHD, with an aim of reducing critical collapse. Helen concludes with practice recommendations to improve examination quality.
Helen Seignior, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, London South Bank University; Midwife, University College Hospital
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