5 Talks
5 Talks
Loss of a baby, whether during pregnancy or birth, is a life-changing event for parents and challenging for health carers. In this set members of charity organisations and midwives provide examples of ways to support families through the loss and introduce the National Bereavement care pathway, including resources for supporting staff.
Supporting bereaved families
2020 | 24 mins | Supporting families through loss
Clare Worgan, from the charity SANDS, explains the role of Sands in supporting parents and health professionals at the time of pregnancy loss. The talk includes stories from bereaved parents, and Clare describes the importance of bereavement care from their perspective. She addresses the difference between sympathy and empathy and provides tips for empathetic communication. Clare provides information around trauma and grief and also recognises the needs of the wellbeing of staff during this time of care.
Clare Worgan, External Training and Learning Resources Manager, Sands
The National Bereavement care pathway
2020 | 15 mins | Supporting families through loss
Marc Harder, UK Lead, of the National Bereavement care pathway, Sands, introduces the purpose of the pathway. He discusses the formation of the pathway and the involvement of Sands. He discusses the core standards in the pathway and provides suggestions for helping parents to make memories. Marc concludes with resources to support staff.
Marc Harder, National Bereavement Care Pathway Lead, Sands
Loss and Bereavement: an empty cot
2020 | 18 mins | Supporting families through loss
Clare Beesley, bereavement care midwife from Heart of England NHS FT explains the importance of the role of a bereavement care midwife, including the role during the covid pandemic. She also shares some quotes from parents and highlights the individualised experience for each one. Clare discusses the National bereavement Care pathway and how it is used. She concludes talking about some of the challenges in caring for different families with different needs and views. She addresses how units and midwives can provide the best support in care.
Clare Beesley, Bereavement Midwife, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Bereavement Team
Always and Forever Boxes: Helping to create memories and reduce trauma
2021 | 25 mins | Supporting families through loss
Michelle Beales-Shaw, Named Midwife Safeguarding/Lead for Domestic Abuse and Harmful Practice, Wirral University Teaching Hospital, shares her personal story of loss of her daughter Beth at the age of 22, and how the memories she had gathered from birth became so important for her. She describes the current experiences of women and birthing people where babies are removed and highlights the development of memory boxes to have keepsakes of their memories. These have been expanded for children adopted or in the care system or, to provide opportunity to look back at their start of life. She presents her plans to develop the boxes further. The presentation includes questions and answers.
Michelle Beales-Shaw, Named Midwife Safeguarding/Lead for Domestic Abuse and Harmful Practice, Wirral University Teaching Hospital
When choice is taken away: Empowering families when facing decisions about baby loss
2020 | 23 mins | Supporting families through loss
Steph Wild, midwife, and Chris Binnie, trustee, both for the Beyond Bea charity, discuss issues around choice for families when facing baby loss. The charity focuses on raising awareness about baby loss and bereavement and educating health care professionals for the aim of improving bereavement care. Highlighting their own stories of loss, they point out that there is lack of choice given to parents when a baby dies, often as it is the easiest option for the professionals. Using case examples, they question why offers of choice are taken away for both parents to make memories. They give practical guidance for facilitating choice and highlight important issues to improve the support for parents and promotes the dignity and respect for the baby.
Steph Wild, Founder, Beyond Bea & Chris Binnie, Trustee, Beyond Bea
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