5 Talks
5 Talks
Since Better Births, the review of the maternity services in England in 2016, there has been significant progress underway in achieving the goals set out in the report. In different areas of the country maternity teams and service users have been working together to improve services for women and their babies.
This boxset provides up-to-date information on the programme of transformation as well as stories of the different developments that have been taking place. The information will be useful for midwives, maternity professionals and hospital managers involved in transformation who are looking for top quality insights from thought leaders in the sector.
The Future Midwife – Looking forward to 2030
2018 | 25 mins | Leadership & Business
Claire Matthews, Deputy Head Maternity Services, NHS England, provides a useful introduction to the Maternity transformation programme for England that came out of the Maternity services review, Better Births (2016). She provides the purpose and values for the programme alongside the aim to reduce the rate of stillbirths. The different work streams are explained in detail focussing on aspects such as Local maternity systems, promoting safety, increasing choice, improving perinatal mental health, digitisation and funding. Claire also introduces plans for monitoring and points to where some services are in the process at the time of the talk.
Claire Matthews, Deputy Head Maternity Services, NHS England
Improving care for mothers and babies: a network approach
2019 | 22 mins | Education
Ann Remmers, Clinical Director, South West Maternity Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Clinical Network, explains the creation of the Maternity Clinical Networks in England and the intention to support improving care for women and babies. She describes the different work streams for the Maternity Transformation programme, the Local Maternity Systems and the involvement of women and families in the programme. She also discusses the aims of the national maternity safety strategy and the national collaborative programmes. Ann presents how the clinical network is working to encourage collaboration for improvement and supporting developments and encourages us to develop our own networks.
Ann Remmers, Clinical Director, South West Maternity Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Clinical Network
Somerset Better Births Early Adopter Site
2017 | 28 mins | Talk
Helen Williams, Head of Midwifery, Yeovil District Hospital NHSFT talks about the bid to be an early adopter site across two trusts in Somerset. She explains the structure of the services in the area and the vision for the future of the services. This includes developing a more digital service and improving care around postnatal and perinatal mental health. Helen presents the progress to achieve the vision and answers questions from the floor.
Helen Williams, Head of Midwifery, Yeovil District Hospital NHSFT
Personalisation and choice across SHIP LMS
2017 | 22 mins | Talk
Donna Evans, Maternity Services Transformation Manager for the 5 Hampshire CCGs, shares developments across the area of Hampshire area she covers. She explains the connection of LMS with Better Births and the expectations of pioneers of the changes. She presents the plans for personalisation in the LMS across SHIP and discusses how women make choices for care. Donna explains how different forms of communication has been developed, including motivational interviewing techniques to enable women make the right choices for their needs.
Donna Evans, Maternity Services Transformation Manager for the 5 Hampshire CCGs
Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Maternity Voices Partnership: our journey so far
2018 | 23 mins | Talk
Jasmine Cajee, Midwife Programme support officer for Better Births for the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Maternity Voices Partnership, introduces the role of the partnership (MVP) as part of transformation. The benefits of the MVP are explored. She describes the development of the local MVP so far and the support she gained in order to progress. Jasmine highlights the different directions for the group development and provides recommendations for others.
Jasmine Cajee, Midwife Programme support officer for Better Births for the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Maternity Voices Partnership
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