A donation will be made to Sands for every MATFLIX boxset sold in June 2020
June 2020 is Sands Awareness Month. The theme this year is: “Finding the words; supporting the NHS to support families”. Sands, the stillbirth & neonatal death charity is using the month to raise vital funds, improve support to anyone affected by the death of a baby, improve bereavement care and fund research to save babies’ lives. With every boxset purchased during this period, MATFLIX is making a donation to Sands.
Richard Angell, Chief Operating Officer of MATFLIX – video streaming from maternity experts – said:
“This June, you can invest in your revalidation or study support with MATFLIX and know you are helping prevent stillbirths and support the families experiencing heartache.”
Daniel Brett-Schneider, Director of Income & Engagement at Sands, said:
“We are excited to welcome MATFLIX as a new partner. We look forward to working with and supporting MATFLIX with their endeavours to raise funds and awareness of safer pregnancy and baby loss. The vital funds raised will help us to support anyone affected by the death of a baby, improve bereavement care and fund research to save babies’ lives.”
In the UK, 1 in every 250 babies will be stillborn – around 2,927 stillbirths every year. It’s an experience that never leaves a parent. This is why MATFLIX is making a donation to Sands with every boxset purchased in June 2020 – Sands Awareness Month. £2.50 from every boxset sold, £5 from the “Stillbirth – An Introduction for Midwives and HCPs” boxset, £10 for everyone who sets up a “SANDS OFFER” subscription and £5 for each student subscriber.
The “Stillbirth – An Introduction for Midwives and HCPs” boxset provided by MATFLIX helps maternity professionals deal with a number of the issues involved. These talks by maternity experts – and speakers who have lost children to stillbirth themselves – include:
Stillbirth Death by another name | David Monteith, Founder, Grace in Action
Preventing Stillbirths A National Campaign | Professor Jason Gardosi MD FRCSED FRCOG, Director of the Perinatal Institute in Birmingham, UK
Documenting a family’s experience of baby bereavement | Rachel Hayden, Consultant, Gifts of Remembrance
Reviewing trends and themes of stillbirths locally | Laura Bassett, Risk Manager, Cardiff & Vale Health Board
Empowering women with safer pregnancy information reduces stillbirth | Heidi Eldridge
You can buy the boxset on its own for £17.50 (with £5.00 donated to SANDS), or by a monthly subscription to all boxsets. The normal rate “SANDS OFFER” will see a £10 donation made in your name, the “SANDS STUDENT OFFER” will see a £5 donation made.
Finally, MATFLIX supports the Maternity & Midwifery Forum’s new podcast – the Maternity & Midwifery Hour. On Wednesday 10 June 2020, at 7pm, the focus of the episode is “Supporting Bereaved Families” as part of Sands Awareness Month. Host Sue Macdonald will be joined by Clare Worgan, Training and Learning Resources Manager, at SANDS and Marc Harder, UK Programme Manager, National Bereavement Care Pathway. Avoid disappointment and register now.