Episode eleven of the Midwifery Hour, series eight, Sue Macdonald, Midwifery Expert, Mayes Midwifery was joined by Lizzie Phillips, Specialist Perineal Midwife, University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust, Clinical Midwifery Lead OASI2
Can you reduce and recognise severe tears?
This episode, Lizzie Phillips asks if midwives can change the story of women’s pelvic health, sharing women’s real stories following perineal damage.
As midwives, we are women’s advocates and have opportunities to educate women, use techniques to reduce trauma during birth and give real choices throughout pregnancy and birth to the families we care for. It’s midwives that recognise red flags and deviations from physiological birth, but is women’s pelvic health seen as an essential part of our ongoing training?
This talk will empower you with the knowledge you need to get started on your journey to improving your knowledge of life long pelvic health.
Watch the Maternity & Midwifery Hour highlights now:
Lizzie Phillips
You can listen to all episodes of Maternity and Midwifery Hour on the podcast app of choice: Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Anchor and sign up for the next festival in the series.
Register for FREE: Scotland Maternity & Midwifery Festival here
Register for FREE: The Student Midwife Experience Festival here
Register for FREE: The London Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2023 here
Become an online sponsor or exhibitor, contact Karen Stewart karen.stewart@neilstewartassocates.co.uk
Tel: 020 7324 4330
Catch up on Series 1 – 8 here.
This hour was produced by Neil Stewart Associates and filmed and distributed by Narrowcast Media Group.