In the fifth episode of The Midwifery Hour, series nine, Sue Macdonald, Midwifery Expert, Mayes Midwifery was joined by Trixie McAree, National Midwifery Lead for Continuity of Carer, NHS England/Improvement, Wendy Olayiwola, National Maternity Lead for Equality, NHS England/Improvement, and Charlotte Clayton, PhD candidate, Clinical Lead, Bournemouth University
This session revisits the NHS England Transformation agenda, reviewing where we are in terms of continuity of care in midwifery services. We will explore also the potential that this type of care has for addressing improved clinical outcomes and social inequalities and disadvantage.
Watch the Maternity & Midwifery Hour highlights now:
Trixie McAree and Charlotte Clayton
Wendy Olayiwola
You can listen to all episodes of Maternity and Midwifery Hour on the podcast app of choice: Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Anchor and sign up for the next festival in the series.
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Tel: 020 7324 4330
Catch up on Series 1 – 9 here.
This hour was produced by Neil Stewart Associates and filmed and distributed by Narrowcast Media Group.